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Video Conversion Tool also installed directly on Caitlins W7 System as executable. Does not use this version.
Internal use only.
To use browse to handbrake.petterson.lan and select the files or drop files in watch directory and it will convert them as it detects them as long as container is running. Will not delete the source files.
All conversions will be created in /output directory Auto conversion will be to 'Matroska/H.264 MKV 480p30' 'format as set in the environmental variables. Rebuild the container to change or set up multiple watch directories for different formats. Note this will use as much CPU as it is given but doesn't use much memory. So set CPU to something that won't kill the NAS. I've chosen 40% which is CPUS: 3.2
Log on to NAS via ssh If not already set up share for work files /share/Handbrake mkdir output mkdir storage mkdir watch /share/Container/Data/Handbrake mkdir config
docker-compose.yaml version: '3' services: handbrake: container_name: handbrake image: jlesage/handbrake:latest network_mode: bridge restart: always ports: - "5800:5800" volumes: - ./config:/config:rw - /share/Handbrake/storage:/storage:rw - /share/Handbrake/output:/output:rw - /share/Handbrake/264_720p30_20:/watch:rw - /share/Handbrake/264_720p30_22:/watch2:rw - /share/Handbrake/264_720p30_24:/watch3:rw # - /share/Handbrake/264_720p30_x:/watch4:rw # - /share/Handbrake/264_720p30_x:/watch5:rw deploy: resources: limits: cpus: '3.2' memory: 1G environment: - USER_ID=0 - GROUP_ID=0 - KEEP_APP_RUNNING=1 - CLEAN_TMP_DIR=1 - AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_FORMAT=mkv - AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_PRESET=My Matroska/H.264 MKV 480p30 20 - AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_PRESET_2=My Matroska/H.264 MKV 480p30 22 - AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_PRESET_3=My Matroska/H.264 MKV 480p30 24 # - AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_PRESET_4=My Matroska/H.264 MKV 480p30 # - AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_PRESET_5=My Matroska/H.264 MKV 480p30 - KEEP_SOURCE=0
docker-compose up -d connect to App by; http://:5800 handbrake.petterson.lan:5800
Change the default in here. I've changed the preset used to 'Matroska/H.264 MKV 480p30' and then Set Default in Preset drop down. All other setting are left as default